13 November 2024
Annual General Meeting



GLENUIG HALL on Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 7:00pm

 Members attending: Pamela Conacher, Peter Langhorne,  Jean Langhorne, Helen MacRae, Angus Mann, Martyn Green, Glenda Green, Alasdair Carmichael, Eoghan Carmichael, Marie Lewis

 Apologies received from: Sheena Carmichael, Lou Johnson, Murdo McAskill, Sue McCann and Fiona MacIsaac


Minutes of previous meeting: the minute of Thirtieth Annual General Meeting were accepted.

Chairman's Report: Chair Alasdair Carmichael provided a written report (Appendix 1 below).

 Verified Accounts to 31st December 2023: accounts had previously been circulated by email and hard copies were passed to those who wished them. Accounts were accepted by the meeting.

 Election of Member Directors

The three Member Directors who have served longest since they were last appointed or reappointed should retire at the AGM. Those retiring by rotation are Fiona MacIsaac, Glenda Green and Pamela Conacher. Retiring Member Directors are eligible for re-election.

All three retiring directors were reappointed unanimously. Proposed Eoghan, seconded Pamela

Peter Langhorne was proposed as a Director. Pod proposed, Glenda seconded, proposal was accepted unanimously

 Appointment for Independent Verification of Accounts: Agreed to continue with R A Clement Associates for 2024 accounts.

 Any other competent business:


·         The constituted Glenuig Arts Group is a sub-committee of the main GCA committee and as such holds its AGM on the same date, time and place as the AGM of the GCA.

·         Chair Jean Langhorne presented a report on the Awards For All programme and funding that ran from August 2023 to August 2024. Overall the project was very successful in delivery, participation and budgeting. Full report attached below.

·         There is no financial report due as the sub-committee does not have independent finances. All funds and transactions are included in the Glenuig Community Association’s accounts.

·         At each AGM all members of the sub-committee retire but are eligible for re-election. Existing sub-committee members are Jean Langhorne, , Fiona MacIsaac, Helen MacRae, Lou Johnson and Marie Lewis (co-opted Associate Member). All were reappointed and Eoghan Carmichael was also appointed to the sub-committee.

 Meeting ended at 7:35pm, to be followed by a meeting of the GCA Directors.

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